Bay Laurel  /  Volume 1, Issue 2  /  Winter 2012

Editor's Note from Timothy Connor Dailey


He She They by Richard May

Grade Books by Dennis Milam Bensie

Tru North by Jon McDonald

Captain Harper Says Goodbye by Vicki Hudson

Franklin and the Hummingbirds by K. Foolish

Dangling Participles by Jon McDonald

My Cousin Deborah by Dennis Milam Bensie

Ashland by Henry Alley

Fly Boys by Jon McDonald


Go Away, I Love You by Jacob Woods

At the point when you tire of this relationship (and you will) by Kristina England
Listening to Imogen Heap While Standing Next to a Star Tribune Newsstand by Lucas Scheelk

Stone Upon My Heart by Vicki Hudson

Touching Your Facebook by Jacob Woods