Stone Upon My Heart by Vicki Hudson

Give me your hand
She says,
Taking mine in her two
Can you feel it?
The pulse of her thumb
Coolness of her skin
My heartbeat thunders
Our breath mingles
Not yet.
Too early
I do not feel what she feels
Pulse of movement
Tiny yet
It’s the size of a walnut now
She tells me
I sigh
Wishful of her belly

The Crows take flight
One looks intently towards me
I shiver with unconscious superstition
Shaking the thought away
Till it returns unwanted
Not a week later

Deep breath
Holding you
Counting the breath
Guiding you through the pain
Towards an end
These breathes harbor death
I sigh remorseful
Grieving for her belly

Vicki Hudson lives in Northern California with her spouse and their two daughters. She holds a Master of Fine Arts from Saint Mary’s College of California in creative writing with focus on non-fiction writing. In 2007, she was a Fellow at the inaugural Lambda Literary Emerging Writers Retreat. Follow her life and literary musings on Twitter @vickigeist or publication news @vicki_hudson. She blogs about home, parenting, urban farming, food, and more at She is a poet, photographer and freelance writer. She occasionally journeys into short story and longer fiction, while pursuing the vocation to create capturing narrative nonfiction. She writes flash for the fun and challenge it provides. Distractions from writing generally involve playing in the dirt, creating culinary concoctions with what came out of the dirt, feral cat control and constant catching up with literary, news, science, geographic, and other such periodicals that arrive in the mail. When not writing, toddler wrangling or reading, look for her in Azeroth.

Bay Laurel  /  Volume 1, Issue 2  /  Winter 2012