Lobe to Lap by Volodymyr Bilyk

Lobe to lap
Dips a bit of
quenched sink
and  then douses
wanting to the lapse.

Yet trifle of Bile
Stones to clause
for log to curl 
the chill of block...

And Lull Crag
Dandles the Hoe
Archly -

As jolt jar
figures it
in sways
'till swat.

The gelid haunch
Wags on its waff

So gibe jibes
in the luster.


What a sniff.
What a whiff.
What a puff.

...such pow was just the hollowl

Flanks mud silts
oozing worm.
Slime clay raffles gouge
and carries marl to loam -

While tatting on baft,
pulling legs -
So can can trip away in chips.

Shroud lurks it.
Fondly Rigor
Goggle glaze
leaves clouds.


Volodymyr Bilyk is a writer, translator and visual artist. His book of visual poems was recently published in the series This is Visual Poetry, book of asemic short stories CIMESA was published in White Sky Books, book of visual poems SCOBES published by No Press and book of poetry Casios Pay-off Peyote published by The Red Ceilings Press. His works appeared in The New Post-Literate, A-Minor magazine, REM magazine, Cormac McCarthy's Dead Typewriter, The Otolith, Altered Scale, Ex-Ex-Lit, Truck, Maintenant, Apparent Magnitude, The Gin Mill Cowboy and many others. He is co-editor of Extreme Writing Community and was guest editor of Halvard Johnson's TRUCK in July. Among the authors he had translated are Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, Kurt Schwitters, Anne Waldman, Charles Reznikoff, Billy Childish, Leonard Cohen and others.

Bay Laurel  /  Volume 2, Issue 4  /  Winter 2013