Starving Artists by Daniel Klawitter

We have known hunger in the maw of indifference;
Fed on emptiness at the lip of the great abyss.
Nietzsche was right when he quite correctly insisted
That we have art in order not to die of the truth. 
For facts are cold currencies to circulate with friends;
Unyielding to the testing tooth of our transcendence—
Tasting what is known, but not all that is intended.


Daniel Klawitter, among other things, has been an actor, a singer/lyricist for the indie folk-rock band Mining for Rain, and a union organizer for mental health care workers.  His poems have been published in numerous respectable literary journals and magazines both in the United States and in England, including: The Atonal Poetry Review, Focus, The Journal of South Texas English Studies, QuietMountain: New Feminist Essays, and Shot Glass Journal.   A member of the Colorado Poets Center, he has also published two poetry chapbooks, Runaway Muse and An Epistemology Of Flesh, available on (link).

Bay Laurel  /  Volume 2, Issue 3  /  Autumn 2013